(51a) Silence Fails: Five Crucial Conversations for Flawless Project Execution | AIChE

(51a) Silence Fails: Five Crucial Conversations for Flawless Project Execution


Angel, D. - Presenter, VitalSmarts

83% of employees say they are working on projects, programs and initiatives that they believe will fail.

Never has the ability to execute been more important.

Careers, goals and even entire companies depend on their ability to achieve results by executing flawlessly on high stakes projects. And yet, statistics show fewer than one in three critical initiatives will achieve its intended goals. Almost half are deemed outright failures.

New research shows that these failures are largely predictable?and, therefore, preventable. In the groundbreaking Silence Fails study of over 2200 such projects, researchers found that project failures are almost always preceded by conversation failures. Specifically, they found that success and failure can be predicted with 85% accuracy based on how well participants from the executive suites to cross-functional teams perform in five crucial conversations. More importantly, these five conversations can be not just a predictor of, but an inoculation against, shockingly high rates of failure to execute on ambitious and otherwise right-headed plans. When leaders are skilled at holding these five conversations, the odds of success increase 50-80%.

Come to this engaging, interactive and hard-hitting session and learn practical, actionable skills you can use today to begin engaging more effectively in these emotionally and politically risky conversations. The result will be immediate improvements in decision making, higher quality execution of mission-critical plans, and improved engagement of those leading these projects.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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