(615c) Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of α-Hydroxy Aromatic Ketones From α-Bromo Aromatic Ketones | AIChE

(615c) Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of α-Hydroxy Aromatic Ketones From α-Bromo Aromatic Ketones


Liu, X. - Presenter, Jiannan University, School of Chemical and Engineering
Pan, Z. - Presenter, Jiannan University, School of Chemical and Engineering
Chen, H. - Presenter, Jiannan University, School of Chemical and Engineering

In the synthesis of various natural products and pharmacologically active compounds, α-hydroxyketones are potentially valuable synthetic intermediates for the preparation of a range of compounds of biological products. We have developed a very clean, simple and convenient method for the synthesis of α-hydroxyketones. A novel reaction of α-bromo aromatic ketones with irradiation under microwave gave the corresponding α-hydroxy aromatic ketones in excellent yields (85-95%). The synthesis of α-hydroxyketones was irradiated by microwave (200W) in water and pressure (0.3 MPa) at 110 oC for 25 min, which was more convenient than the method used heretofore. The use of microwaves was found to significantly improve the reaction yields and shorten the reaction time.


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