(653f) PVT and Miscibility Tests for Planning Gas Injection Projects for Major Kuwaiti Oil Reservoirs | AIChE

(653f) PVT and Miscibility Tests for Planning Gas Injection Projects for Major Kuwaiti Oil Reservoirs


Al-Omaor2, O. - Presenter, Kuwait University


Kuwait long term strategy is designed to increase its future oil production to meet the long term demand in the oil market. In order to meet such obligation, the current primary and secondary recovery must be followed by future improved oil recovery. A screening of oil reservoirs tests have indicate that gas injection has the potential of increasing the oil recovery. In this paper PVT tests, slim tube tests, Swelling tests, and core flooding tests for four major producing oil reservoirs in Kuwait are presented and discussed. Various laboratory tests are used to simulate the gas oil interaction and predict the oil recovery for various gases considered to be injected into these major producing oil reservoirs. The simulated tests are used for selecting and planning for gas injection projects into these major reserv


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