Dynamics and Control of Fuel Cells
AIChE Annual Meeting
2009 Annual Meeting
Computing and Systems Technology Division
Jackson C
Gaylord Opryland Hotel
Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 3:15pm to 5:45pm
Successful fuel-cell applications in the automotive, fleet, and commercial buildings markets increasingly rely on smart combination of system design and control. Fuel-cell control system need to be adept at load-following and dynamic capability. In the automotive applications, control schemes manage fuel cell operating conditions (e.g. membrane humidity) to maximize durability while simultaneously meeting load commands. In addition, controls play a significant role in development of operating strategies that enable low cost materials and expand the operating window (e.g. under subfreezing or high ambient condition). In stationary applications, effective inverter control and fuel control strategies are required to manage system lifetime efficiency. Adaptive or predictive control algorithms that utilize voltage-current diagnostics are also gaining significant ground. We invite papers related to fuel-cell controls that present novel applications of known control schemes or report new control strategies to solve existing problems. Development on software sensors to observe fuel-cell’s internal states and smart diagnostics are also in scope of this session. A combination of theoretical research and real-world applications is desired.
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