Fundamentals of Interfacial Phenomena II - Surfactants and Liquid/Solid Interfaces | AIChE

Fundamentals of Interfacial Phenomena II - Surfactants and Liquid/Solid Interfaces


Willing, G. A., University of Louisville
Subramani, H. J., Chevron Energy Technology Company

This session focuses on experimental and theoretical studies of fundamental issues intrinsic to interfaces between solids, liquids, and gases. Some of the focused themes are as follows: 1. Adsorption and reaction of molecules at interfaces (solid-gas, solid-liquid, liquid-liquid, and liquid-gas) 2. Nano-mechanical aspects 3. Surfactants and dynamic interfacial effects 4. Interfacial stresses in multiphase flow 5. Emulsion stabilization. Fundamental concerns of other interfacial phenomena will also be included in this session.



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