(319b) Scale-up of Membranes for Separation of Hydrogen From Syngas for Carbon Capture | AIChE

(319b) Scale-up of Membranes for Separation of Hydrogen From Syngas for Carbon Capture


Anderson, D. H. - Presenter, Eltron Research & Development
Evenson, IV, C. R. - Presenter, Eltron Research & Development
Faull, J. D. - Presenter, Eltron Research & Development
Jack, D. S. - Presenter, Eltron Research & Development

In partnership with the Department of Energy (DOE), Eltron Research & Development Inc. is developing a process technology that separates hydrogen from carbon dioxide in syngas, enabling clean power generation and carbon capture in coal-fired Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plants. The process is based on membranes that permeate pure hydrogen and retain the CO2 at high pressure to aid its eventual sequestration. Techno-economic analysis has found a significant improvement in the cost of electricity with carbon capture using the membrane technology in comparison with conventional technology. In addition, membrane separation can achieve nearly complete carbon capture depending on process configuration. Membranes are currently tested at the bench scale in reactors designed for lifetime stability and impurity testing under simulated syngas conditions. Eltron is scaling up this membrane technology for pilot plant testing on coal-derived syngas.



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