(346f) Innovative Tablet Technology for Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery | AIChE

(346f) Innovative Tablet Technology for Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery


Ferreira, R. - Presenter, Korsch America Inc.

There is an increasing trend in the Pharmaceutical Industry for more innovative drug delivery technologies, and multi-layer tablet design is certainly at the forefront. New equipment technologies are being developed to support this trend, including bi-layer, tri-layer, four-layer, and five-layer tablet presses. In addition, other drug delivery platforms, including tablet in tablet - or compression coated tablets, and micro-tablets are also gaining in popularity.

This presentation examines the current state-of-the-art in tablet press technology for multi-layer, tablet-in-tablet, and micro-tablet applications, and reviews developments in the control system technology for these specialized machines.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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