(4bh) Engineering Materials for Biomedical and Automotive Applications | AIChE

(4bh) Engineering Materials for Biomedical and Automotive Applications


Martin, H. J. - Presenter, Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems, Mississippi State University

Graduate/Post-Doctoral Advisor: Dr. Kirk H. Schulz ? President, Kansas State University

Post-Doctoral Advisor: Dr. Mark F. Horstemeyer ? Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems (CAVS), Mississippi State University

Corrosion, whether it is caused by the human body or the atmosphere, leads to the destruction of metals and ultimately, to metal failure. Engineering materials that can withstand these corrosive effects is the ultimate goal of my research. As a graduate student and as a post-doctoral researcher, I have had the opportunity to perform research in both biomedical implants and automotive metals. In addition to these two wide ranging research areas, which have produced five published journal articles and four manuscripts currently in review, I have also had the opportunity to teach classes and write proposals based on my research.

As a graduate student, I performed research in biomedical implant modification, in an effort to improve the adhesion of a biopolymer coating on titanium. By employing two silane molecules, aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) and triethoxsilylbutyraldehyde (TESBA), dissolved in toluene, we were able to significantly increase the adhesion of chitosan to titanium without changing the nanomechanical properties of the biopolymer. Cell adhesion and growth studies showed no differences in cell adhesion between the control and the two silane bound chitosan coatings, although cell growth was decreased due to residual toluene.

As a postdoctoral researcher, I am performing research into the corrosion of magnesium. Understanding how pit characteristics, such as pit number density, area, and nearest neighbor distance, change after prolonged exposure to saltwater environments is the first step in developing a more corrosion resistance magnesium. Modeling the corrosive effects of two saltwater environments, immersion and cyclical salt spray, on multiple magnesium alloys, including as-cast AE44, AZ91, and AM60 as well as extruded AZ61 and AZ31, can lead to the development of a magnesium alloy that can be effectively used in the automotive industry.

As a graduate student, I had the opportunity to assist with several classes and teach two classes by myself. The first class I taught was an entirely new laboratory for an established class, focusing on process design simulation. As part of my responsibilities, I created all of the materials needed, including the syllabus, Powerpoint presentations covering individual unit operations, homework, and a final project combining the individual unit operations into a working flowsheet. I also was responsible for grading both the homeworks and the final projects. I taught this class for the Fall and Spring semesters and was evaluated by the students, receiving 4.7/5.0 for both semesters. I also taught Unit Operations Laboratory I and II in the Spring semester. I was responsible for teaching the class, including assigning the groups to the experiments each week, for grading the laboratory reports, and for assigning final grades. As with the class I developed, I was evaluated by the students, receiving a 4.5/5.0 average.

As an assistant professor, I plan to continue collaborating with professors in both my research area, biomedical implants, biomaterials, and magnesium, and in other research areas and departments. I truly enjoy teaching and look forward to teaching both established undergraduate and graduate classes and classes I create based on my research interests.
