(517f) Biorefinery and Biomass Gasification Patent Trends: Essential Information for Researchers and Entrepreneurs | AIChE

(517f) Biorefinery and Biomass Gasification Patent Trends: Essential Information for Researchers and Entrepreneurs


Lindsay, J. - Presenter, Asia Pulp and Paper, China

Numerous universities, companies, and individuals are pursuing patents in various aspects of biofuels from biomass. Here we explore patent trends relevant to integrated biorefineries and particularly to biomass gasification. We examine major patent holders, trends in filing, technology areas being covered, and several other observations. An understanding of the patent landscape is essential information for those conducting research and especially for those wishing to pursue economic opportunities in the field. We apply the perspective of a patent strategist in exploring the data and examining tentative conclusions.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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