(618a) Reaction Engineering of a Novel Sulfur-Sulfur Thermochemical Water-Splitting Cycle | AIChE

(618a) Reaction Engineering of a Novel Sulfur-Sulfur Thermochemical Water-Splitting Cycle


Yokochi, A. - Presenter, Oregon State University
AuYeung, N. - Presenter, Oregon State University

The Sulfur-Iodine and hybrid (Westinghouse) water-splitting
cycles have suffered from the use of water as reaction media in their low
temperature reactions.  Separation of the various species from an aqueous
medium results in significant energy expenditures and materials challenges in
practical implementation.  For the past few years we have examined an alternative
route where the oxidation of sulfur step takes place in an ionic liquid medium. 
The application of ionic liquid reaction media for the low temperature
reactions presents possible solutions to the problems of excess water removal,
I2 solidification, and SO2 solubility.

The observation that carrying out the Bunsen reaction in
ionic liquid media (Eq. 1 below) can be tailored to produce significant amounts
of H2S gas from the reaction mixture has led to the development of a
novel Sulfur-Sulfur cycle, shown below. 

                                                          4SO2 + 4I2 + 8H2O → 4H2SO4
+ 8HI  Eq. 1

                                                              H2SO4 + 8HI → H2S
+ 4I2 + 4H2O  Eq.

         Net Low Temperature Reaction: 4SO2 + 4H2O → H2S
+ 3H2SO4  Eq. 3

                                                                                                    H2S + 2H2O → SO2
+ 3H2  Eq. 4

→ 3SO2 + 3H2O + 3/2O2  Eq. 5

The production of H2S (Eq. 2) following the
Bunsen reaction, a normally undesired side reaction, can be intentionally
enhanced under the appropriate conditions (concentration of I2 and
water, temperature and reaction time).  The I2 is regenerated in
this reaction without having to transport HI to a decomposition section, and is
therefore required only in catalytic amounts.  The H2S spontaneously
desorbs from the reaction medium and can then be steam reformed to produce H2
and SO2, (Eq. 4) the latter of which is recycled.  The thermal
decomposition of H2SO4 to produce O2 and SO2
(Eq. 5) is common to other Sulfur based thermochemical cycles.  The H2S
generation and steam reformation steps (Eq. 3 and 4) have been demonstrated in
our lab.[1]  An
overall thermal efficiency assuming a steam reformation temperature of 1100 K
is estimated to be 55%.

This presentation will focus on the parametric dependence of
the H2S production and steam reforming reactions on reactant
concentrations, temperature, and residence time, and details of the estimated
thermal efficiency calculations will be presented.

[1] A. Yokochi, N. AuYeung,
?A Proposed New Sulfur-Sulfur Thermochemical Cycle? 2009 Meeting of
the AIChE