(682f) Ultrasound in- Situ Assisted Extraction of Vegetable Oil From Rice Bran
AIChE Annual Meeting
2010 Annual Meeting
Separations Division
Bioprocessing and Reactive Extractions
Thursday, November 11, 2010 - 4:55pm to 5:15pm
The aim of this study, was to evaluate the enhance in the ultrasound-in situassisted vegetable oil solvent extraction from rice bran, applying an orthogonal design of experiments L9. During the extraction the evaluated factors were: the ratio solvent to raw material,ultrasound irradiation time and ultrasound amplitude. The purpose was to make the extraction from rice bran sample, hexane as solvent, directly exposed to ultrasonic radiation, generated by a high intensity ultrasonic processor, 500 W power, 20 kHz frequency and variable wave sound amplitude from 20%-100%. Defining the optimum operating conditions ratio of 8, 15 minutes irradiation and 50% amplitude resulting highest extraction yield 13.34% by weigh. The temperature rise due to sonication was monitored within the reactor using a termistor-multimeter system allowing to record changes of ± 0.1 ºC in very short time intervals (e.g. 5 s). The obtained oil through this process was characterized applying AOCS methods for parameters as acid index, saponification value and viscosity using a rheometer and composition by thin layer chromatography. This extraction procedure was developed in a short time with good performance, where monitoring of temperature within the reactor allowed to know the behavior of related events to understand how the process takes place. Getting a product with physical characteristics appropriate to proceed with the application of biofuel production.
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