(34d) Patenting Basics | AIChE

(34d) Patenting Basics

This partially invited session will provide a fundamental review of the patent procurement process and patent law in general, and is designed for anyone who has any type of interest in the patenting process and/or deals with patents in their work in industry and/or academia. Little or no background knowledge in patents is needed by those intending to attend this session. The session will begin with the very basics of the patenting process as well as providing them with basic terminology. Next, the session will provide a basic synopsis of the patent procurement process with the US Patent and Trademark Office. The session will then focus on portions of a patent most relevant in patent disputes and patent litigation. Case studies involving various patent scenarios will be presented. The session will wrap up with a question and answer session where attendants can ask basic questions dealing with the patent procurement process and patent law in general. This session will provide a foundation for two following patent sessions focusing first on drivers for innovation in energy technology and, next, on litigation for engineers. Abstracts are solicited for case studies from lawyers and engineers with various patent experience