(385f) Thermal Behavior of Electroless CNT-FeCo Composite In Simulated Body Fluid In Applied RF Magnetic Field | AIChE

(385f) Thermal Behavior of Electroless CNT-FeCo Composite In Simulated Body Fluid In Applied RF Magnetic Field


Martin, L. - Presenter, Florida A& M Univ. and Florida State Univ.
Wilson, L. - Presenter, Florida A& M Univ. and Florida State Univ.
McHenry, M. E. - Presenter, Carnegie Mellon University

Thermal Behavior of Electroless CNT-FeCo Composite in Simulated Body Fluid in Applied RF
Magnetic Field

E. E Kalu1.
Lauren Martin1, Lauren Wilson1, M.E McHenry2

Engineering, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Tallahassee, Florida

Science and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The use of electroless
deposition of magnetic alloy on carbon nanotubes is
explored for use in thermotherapy treatment of cancer cells. Carbon nanotubes were plated with Iron-Cobalt (FeCo)
using varying amounts of methanol, palladium and electroless
bath in the process. The samples with the highest and lowest saturation
magnetizations were examined in simulated body fluid (SBF) using an alternating
radio frequency coil for their temperature response with time. Results will be
presented on the response of the electroless metallized-CNT in an alternating magnetic field and their
behavior when suspended in the SBF.