(421h) The Effect of Chlorine On a Rh/γAl2O3 Catalyst for Reforming Landfill Gas to Syngas
AIChE Annual Meeting
2011 Annual Meeting
Sustainable Engineering Forum
Poster Session: Sustainability and Sustainable Biorefineries
Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Landfills are the second-largest source of anthropogenic methane emissions in the U.S., accounting for 22% of CH4 emissions1. Landfill gas (LFG) is primarily composed of CH4 and CO2, and currently less than 10% of this is used for energy2. Because landfills will continue to be used for the foreseeable future, more complete utilization of LFG is becoming more important as the demand for energy increases. Catalytically reforming LFG produces syngas (H2 and CO) that can be converted to liquid fuels or mixed into the LFG stream to produce a more reactive, cleaner burning fuel. It has been demonstrated that injecting up to 5% syngas into a simulated LFG mixture prior to entering a combustion engine decreases CO, UHC, and NOx emissions by 73%, 89%, and 38%, respectively3. One barrier to using LFG in a catalytic system is the contaminant content of the LFG, including chlorine and sulfur compounds, higher order hydrocarbons, aromatics, and siloxanes that have the potential to poison a catalyst. Chlorinated compounds are currently not removed from LFG and are present at 10-100ppm levels4, which may be enough to deactivate a catalyst.
This research explores the effect of chlorine on the activity of a Rh/γ-Al2O3 catalyst while reforming LFG mixtures to syngas. Flow-through reactor studies will be performed with a catalyzed Rh/γ-Al2O3 monolith at 1atm total pressure at temperatures between 20°C to 900°C. The reactor is coupled to an Agilent μGC (3000) to measure product composition. Methyl chloride, CH3Cl will be used as the Cl surrogate at concentrations from 10-1000 ppm to reflect the amount of chlorocarbon species found in LFG. The effect of CH3Cl while dry reforming and auto-thermally reforming LFG will be explored, as shown below:
CH4 + CO2 + CH3Cl (ppm) --> 2H2 + 2CO + HCl (ppm)
CH4 + CO2 + O2 + CH3Cl (ppm) --> H2 + CO + H2O + CO2 + HCl (ppm)
Previous research disagrees as to whether Cl acts as an inhibitor or poison when present in steam reforming or hydrogenation reactions5-9. To our knowledge there is no previous work on the effect of Cl on a catalyst during dry reforming or auto-thermal reforming of CH4, CO2 mixtures. It is thought that during dry reforming the CH3Cl will deposit Cl on the catalyst surface, requiring H2 to remove the Cl as HCl. Therefore the amount of H2 present on the surface or in the gas phase, which is dependent on reactor temperature, will be a critical factor for reducing the catalyst deactivation due to chlorine.
While reforming LFG with O2 the same mechanism of H2 or H2O “cleaning” of the surface may exist, but Cl may also affect the selectivity of the reaction toward partial oxidation products H2 and CO or complete oxidation products H2O and CO2. This has been suggested because Cl may compete with O2 for surface sites, affecting the Ocoverage on the surface10, but this has not been tested for the oxidation of CH4, CO2 mixtures on a Rh/γAl2O3 catalyst. This work will provide insights into catalyst stability while reforming LFG mixtures with chlorocarbon contamination, and the likely deactivation mechanism.
[1]Environmental Protection Agency. Landfill Methane Outreach Program.
[2]Themelis, N., & Ulloa, P. Renewable Energy 32(2007) 1243-1257.
[3]Kohn, M., Lee, J., Basinger, M., Castaldi, M. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 50 (6) (2011), 3570–3579
[4]Tchobanoglous, G., Theisen, H., Vigil, S. “Integrated Solid Waste Management.” McGraw-Hill. 1993.
[5]Duprez, D., Pereira, P., Miloudi, A., Barbier, J., Maurel, R. React. Kinet. Catal. Lett. 14 (1980) 495-499
[6]Aboul-Fotouh, S., Aboul-Gheit, A. App. Cat A: General. 208 (2001) 55-61
[7]Coq, B, Ferrat, G., Figueras, F. J. Catalysis 101 (1986) 434-445.
[8]McMinn, T., Moates, F., Richardson, J. App. Cat B: Environmental 31 (2001) 93-105
[9]Musso, J.C., Parera, J.M. Applied Catalysis 30 (1987) 81-90.
[10]Rostrup-Nielsen, J.R. Catalyst Deactivation (1991) 85-101