(516f) Physicochemical and Hydrodynamics Aspects of Electrokinetics In Soil Remediation | AIChE

(516f) Physicochemical and Hydrodynamics Aspects of Electrokinetics In Soil Remediation


Oyanader, M. - Presenter, Tennessee Technological University
Grey, C. A. - Presenter, Tennessee Technological University

Heavy metal contaminants found in soil locations pose a tremendous problem to their removal and proper disposal.  As to their removal, the extraction of these metals from the ground has been tested theoretically with the application of an electrical field in a soil matrix.  This method has been reported to extract specific contaminants with little to no excavation through low permeability soils.  In the presence of low permeability soils, these electric fields also theoretical prove to be very promising; however, there is still the need for furthering this technology in modeling as well as in its physical application.  A major key in determining the driving forces of this system are the different components of the force (electroosmosis, electromigration, buoyancy, and advection) and how they contribute to the bulk flow of the fluid in the ground.  Optimizing this force is one such discovery that will be unveiled as well as the different geometries and the analysis of their benefits. The Debye-Hückel approximation will be employed in order to help solve the differential equations of the electrostatic potential.  As a result of this research, these contaminant sites will be readily cleaned with an efficient technology that is easily applied to the area; as well as further the advancement of the use of electric fields in cleaning applications.