(539d) Pilot Plant Experience In High Recovery Desalination with Flow Reversal | AIChE

(539d) Pilot Plant Experience In High Recovery Desalination with Flow Reversal


Goldkine, Y. - Presenter, Ben Gurion University
Peled, D. - Presenter, Rotec Ltd.
Gelman, Y. - Presenter, Mekorot Water Company
Priel, M. - Presenter, Mekorot Water Company
Greenberg, A. R. - Presenter, University of Colorado Boulder

One of the
biggest challenges for brackish water desalination is brine disposal.  The
costs are directly related to the volume of brine to dispose of.  This is
driving RO processes to achieve ever higher recoveries.  However this bumps up
against the limitations due to the limited solubility of many sparingly soluble
salts (gypsum, calcium carbonate, and others).   Antiscalants can only push the
limit of recovery so far and they are sometimes likely to increase the
likelihood of biofouling in that many of these are nutrients.   In addition
they can interfere with the use of interstage crystallizers to reduce the
supersaturation and allow secondary desalination to increase recovery.

 We have
previously shown that reversing the flow of feed in an RO train so that the
points of entry and exit of the feed/reject are periodically reversed before
the induction time is significantly exceeded, can prevent scaling and allow
high recovery with little or no antiscalant [1-3].

In actual
RO plants that operate with tapered flow arrangements to meet hydraulic
requirements, such a simple flow reversal scheme would generate extreme
hydraulic imbalances so that on reversal formerly second stage pressure vessels
would have too much feed flow entering them , formerly first stage pressure
vessels (now second stage) would have too little concentrate exiting the flow
vessels.  We have developed a scheme [4] involving periodically rotating blocks
of pressure vessels between the first and second stages and simultaneously
switching the feed and concentrate connection, that allows flow reversal to
occur while maintaining the tapered flow arrangement (see Figure 1).

We report
here on a pilot containing three blocks of eight 4-inch LE4040 elements each
that realizes this scheme.  We provide initial data on its performance on
brackish water from the Negev and Arava regions of Israel.   Brackish water
from the Negev region was desalinated at the same recovery (85-88%) as
conventional RO but with only 25% of the required antiscalant of the
conventional process.    Operating on brackish water from the Arava region near
Eilat, the tapered flow-flow reversal pilot plant  increased recoveries to 84%
from the 75% standard recovery in the Sabha A/B plant operating on the same
feedwater.  At the same time the flow reversal pilot plant used only half the
level of antiscalant fed to the full-scale plant.

was supported by the NATO Science for Peace Program (SfP contract #982481),
Rotec Ltd, and the Chief Scientist Office of the Israel Ministry of Trade and

Figure 1: A simplified
schematic of the flow reversal technique implemented for tapered flow
arrangement of RO pressure vessels.  Actual block rotation is effected by

Pomerantz, Yitzhak Ladizhansky, Eli Korin, Michael Waisman, Naphtali Daltrophe,
and Jack Gilron, (2006), Prevention of Scaling of Reverse Osmosis Membranes by
?Zeroing? the Elapsed Nucleation Time. Part I. Calcium Sulfate, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2006, 45, 2008-2016

[2] Michal Uchymiak, Alex R. Bartman,
Naphtali Daltrophe, Michael Weissman, Jack Gilron, Panagiotis D. Christofides,
William J. Kaiser, Yoram Cohen, (2009) Brackish water reverse osmosis
(BWRO) operation in feed flow reversal mode using an ex situ scale observation
detector (EXSOD), J. Memb. Science, 341, 60-66.

[3] J. Gilron and E. Korin (2010), METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR INCREASING
PROCESSES, EP 1691915.

[4] 2005 ? J. Gilron, METHOD