Alternative Fuels I
AIChE Annual Meeting
2011 Annual Meeting
Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division
200 B
Minneapolis Convention Center
Thursday, October 20, 2011 - 12:30pm to 3:00pm
Papers are sought that address research and development toward the sustainable production and use of alternative fuels from diversified sources including oil shale, coal, synfuels, as well as biobased alternative fuels such as ethanol, biobutanol, dimethyl ether, biodiesel, renewable diesel and green diesel. Topics covered may include, but are not limited to: (1) R&D devoted to the development of innovative processes for the production and use of alternative fuels; (2) The application of core chemical engineering principles to pilot- or larger-scale production of alternative fuels; and (3) Production of other alternative fuels using traditional petrochemical techniques such reforming and hydrogenation, as well as biochemical routes like microbial hydrogen production, etc.
Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.
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