2012 Annual Meeting Interviews

During the 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA members of the AIChE staff sat down with conference award winners to talk about their work and their conference presentations. Below are the interviewee and what they had to say on their conference topic and work.
2012 National Chem-E-Car Competition Official Video & Winner[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vnlg0GVzvIY width:300 height:169 align:left autoplay:0] |
AIChE 2012 President David Rosenthal and 2011 President Maria Burka talk about the the Chem-E-Car Competition, the diversity of the chemical engineering degree, and announce the 2012 winner, Cornell University. |
Terry Papoutsakis - Jay Bailey Award[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dM6sBCmwtKI&feature=plcp width:300 height:169 align:left autoplay:0] | Interviewer: Evan FlachTerry is the Eugene DuPont Chair at the University of Delaware’s Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. A graduate of the National Technical University of Athens, Papoutsakis received his master’s and doctoral degrees from Purdue University. His research focuses on areas of systems biology, metabolic engineering, experimental and computational genomics with applications in stem-cell biology and prokaryotic biology for the production of biofuels and chemicals from biomass. |
Frank Bates - 64th Institute Award[video:https://youtu.be/Wfu9dY4Al-Y width:300 height:169 align:left autoplay:0] | Interviewer: Stephanie Orvoine-CouvretteFrank Bates is Regents Professor and department head of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Minnesota. This year's 64t Institute Award lecture was titled “Multiblock Polymers: Panacea or Pandora’s Box?” |
Guy Marin - Danckwarts Lecture[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7jBJusJKKs width:300 height:169 align:left autoplay:0] | Interviewer: Stephanie Orvoine-CouvretteThe international chemical engineering community has an annual award lecture, the Danckwerts lecture, named to commemorate Peter V. Danckwerts who was the second professor of chemical engineering at the University of Cambridge, founding editor of the journal “Chemical Engineering Science”, and originator of some of the theoretical approaches which are central to chemical engineering (including residence time theory, which has applications in material flow accounting). |
Chuck McConnell - Plenary Session[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FanCfHTXEI width:300 height:169 align:left autoplay:0] | Interviewer: Emily FrangenbergFossil fuels currently comprise more than 80 percent of global (and U.S.) energy consumption and are expected to continue to play a critical role in meeting the world’s energy needs for the foreseeable future. Making use of these fuel sources in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner will require technologies that can be broadly applied in the marketplace. |
Aris Candris - Plenary Session[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xaXF4zZnpY&feature=youtu.be width:300 height:169 align:left autoplay:0] | Interviewer: Kristine ChinThe future of the global nuclear energy industry, while certainly not without its challenges, remains vibrant. Even as the industry contends with near-record-low natural gas prices and the accident at Fukushima Daiichi, the reality is that global demand for electricity and concern over carbon emissions will ensure that nuclear energy becomes an even larger source of global electricity. |