(130a) CO-Free Hydrogen From Formic Acid with Pt Ru Bi Ox/C Heterogeneous Catalyst for PEM Fuel Cells | AIChE

(130a) CO-Free Hydrogen From Formic Acid with Pt Ru Bi Ox/C Heterogeneous Catalyst for PEM Fuel Cells


Ting, S. W., University of Hong Kong
Pulleri, J., University of Hong Kong
Hu, C., The University of Hong Kong
Tsui, J., University of Hong Kong

Hydrogen from Formic Acid with PtRuBiOx/C Heterogeneous
Catalyst for PEM Fuel Cells

Kwong-Yu Chan1, Siu Wa
Ting1, Chaoquan HU1, Jayasree PULLERI1 and Jenkin
TSUI1 (1)Department of Chemistry, The
University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong.

Though hydrogen content in formic acid is
only 4.35% by mass, the convenient and complete release of hydrogen without CO is
still attractive for PEM fuel cells. Formic acid can be bio-derived and is a commonly
available chemical with known safety standards. High selectivity towards
dehydrogenation at low temperature has been observed recently in liquid phase
reactions [1-8]. Near ambient temperature hydrogen generation from dissolved formic
acid on a platinum-ruthenium-bismuth mixed metal/metal oxide supported catalyst
was reported [1] for a batch reactor at atmospheric pressure. The powering of a
PEM fuel cell by CO-free hydrogen generated from 15% formic acid at room
temperature can be demonstrated. The generation device is simple with reaction
rate moderated by liquid contact with the solid catalyst.


For supplying hydrogen to fuel-cell stacks,
post generation compression may be needed to overcome the flow resistance. To
keep a simple system design, it will be desirable to create moderate pressure
by a high gas generation rate, e.g. via reaction at higher temperature. Here,
liquid formic acid decomposition on PtRuBiOx/C
catalyst was investigated at temperatures ranging from 80 to 140oC at
pressure up to 350 psi. [7] It was found that the selectivity towards
dehydrogenation reaction remained almost 100% and a complete conversion of
formic acid was achieved in a short period. The overall activation energy was
found to be 78 kJ/mol. This is higher compared to 37
kJ/mol reported earlier from initial rates in a reactor with gases exiting to atmosphere.
The increase in Ea was due
to different conditions for its determination. In the atmospheric pressure
reactor, Ea was determined
from initial rates and found to be dependent on fresh formic acid
concentration, as shown in Fig. 1. On the other hand, Ea was determined at 20% to 70% conversion, hence, lower
formic acid concentration and higher saturation of carbon dioxide. The
desorption energy of CO2 required contributes to a large part the
increase Ea.

Investigations of rate laws, possible roles
of elements in PtRuBiOx/C and reusability
of the catalyst were made.  Kinetics
measurements were also made in a continuous flow reactor[8].
In a batch reactor, the raw law based on initial rates was linear with respect
to either molecular formic acid or formate ion.  From steady-state rates in a continuous flow
reactor, however, the reaction was also linear with formate
ion but half-order with respect to molecular formic acid. A possible role of
bismuth oxide is reduce CO affinity. As shown in Table
1, CO chemisorptions measurements show a much lower CO adsorption on PtRuBiOx on carbon versus PtRu
on carbon. The stability of the catalyst was confirmed by performing a series
of repeated runs. 

1.  Activation energy of formic acid decomposition from semi-log plot
of initial rates vs 1/T in an atmospheric pressure

Table 1 Carbon monoxide chemisorption measurements on catalysts with and without BiOx.



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2. C. Fellay, P. J. Dyson and G. Laurenczy,
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2008, 47, 3966

3. B. Loges,
A. Boddien, H. Junge and M.
Beller, Angew. Chem., Int.
Ed., 2008, 47, 3962

4. S. Fukuzumi, T. Kobayashi and T. Suenobu,
ChemSusChem, 2008, 1, 827

5. X. Zhou,
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6. K. Tedsree, C.W.A. Chan, S. Jones, Q. Cuan, W.-K. Li, X.-Q. Gong, S.C.E. Tsang, Science 2011, 332, 224-228.

7. SW Ting, C.Hu,J.K. Pulleri,
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8. C. Hu, S.-W. Ting, J. Tsui, K.-Y.
Chan, I n t. J. Hydrogen Energy 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 6 3 7
