(197f) Steam Reforming of Simulated Producer Gas Mixture Containing Toluene, Ethylene and Methane Over Ni Catalyst | AIChE

(197f) Steam Reforming of Simulated Producer Gas Mixture Containing Toluene, Ethylene and Methane Over Ni Catalyst


Bambal, A. S. - Presenter, University of California San Diego
Cattolica, R. J., University of California San Diego

The steam reforming of a simulated producer gas was performed on a commercial Ni catalyst. In addition to ethylene and methane, toluene was used as a model tar compound for reforming studies. The reforming tests were performed in a fixed-bed reactor between temperatures of 650 and 950 °C. The producer gas space velocity was varied between 15440 and 30882 h-1. The effect of space velocities and reforming temperatures on conversions, reaction rates, CO2 selectivity and H2/CO ratios were examined. The kinetic studies were performed on a fine catalyst particles and a full-size quadralobe pellet to determine the kinetic parameters under reforming conditions. In general, Ni-based catalysts showed good activity towards toluene, ethylene and methane reforming, with complete toluene decomposition at elevated temperatures and higher space time. The ethylene and methane conversions also showed strong dependence on the temperature and the space-time. The observed reaction rates during reforming runs were highest for methane followed by ethylene and toluene, at all the temperatures. The improvement in H2/CO ratios and outlet-to-inlet H2 ratios were also noted at all temperatures. The CO2 selectivity was noted to drop with increased temperature. A first-order kinetic showed a good-fit for the kinetic data over fine catalyst particles and a quadralobe pellet. The apparent-activation energy and a frequency factor determined for a quadralobe pellet were noticeably lower than that for the fine particles, owing to diffusion-limitations in a bigger particle.
See more of this Session: Catalytic Hydrogen Generation - General I

See more of this Group/Topical: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division
