(234c) Ontology Based Data Integration with ISO 15926 | AIChE

(234c) Ontology Based Data Integration with ISO 15926


Wiedau, M. - Presenter, RWTH Aachen University
Theißen, M., AixCAPE e.V.

In the domain of Computer-Aided Process Engineering (CAPE), several
approaches exist for the exchange and integration of plant data from different
software tools. In the past, we have realized a prototype for data integration based
on OntoCAPE [4], a formal heavyweight ontology for the CAPE domain.
However, OntoCAPE was never intended as a means to exchange detailed plant
data between tools. The international standard ISO 15926[1] addresses such data
exchange in a flexible way. In this presentation, we give first results of a
current project in which our proven integration approach is applied to ISO

In the past, several software applications have been developed by our group to
demonstrate OntoCAPE’s potential and wide range of use [6]. In particular, a
software prototype for the integration and reconciliation of – potentially
inconsistent – data from distributed CAPE tools has been created in cooperation
with partners from the chemical and software industries. To integrate a certain
CAPE tool with the prototype, it must support a common data format, either
directly or by means of a converter. However, this proprietary exchange format –
an XML schema [2] – is tailored to the requirements of the industrial partner

A current project in cooperation with BASF SE, Bayer Technology Services
GmbH, and Evonik Industries AG focuses on data exchange with the international
standard ISO 15926. Several software vendors are expected to support data
import and export in their tools in a foreseeable future, which will hopefully solve
the data exchange problem in an acceptable way. However, data integration is
still an open issue. Thus, we examine the adaptation of our approach
for data integration to the more widespread ISO 15926 instead of the
restricted XML schema as before. From an application-oriented point of view,
this would allow to integrate data from arbitrary tools that support ISO

In contrast to an XML schema, ISO 15926 allows for semantic annotations
which can be exploited for data integration. However, the semantic community [5]
has reported on several deficiencies of the underlying ontology of ISO 15926. We
examine in how far concepts from OntoCAPE can be integrated with ISO 15926
in order to simplify data integration. Our approach will be evaluated
and compared with other integration approaches [3]. In the presentation,
also a practical example for data integration between different tools is
given. References

[1]    ISO 15926-1, 2004. Industrial automation systems and integration – Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities – Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles.

[2]    F. Anhäuser, H. Richert, and H. Temmen. PlantXML – integrierter Planungsprozess mit flexiblen Bausteinen. Automatisierungstechnische Praxis, 46(10):62–72, 2004.

[3]    B. Bayer, R. Schneider, and W. Marquardt. Integration of data models for process design–first steps and experiences. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 24(2-7):599–605, 2000.

[4]    W. Marquardt, J. Morbach, A. Wiesner, and A. Yang. OntoCAPE: a re-usable ontology for chemical process engineering. Springer Verlag, 2010.

[5]    B. Smith. Against idiosyncrasy in ontology development. In Proceeding of the 2006 conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference (FOIS 2006), pages 15–26. IOS Press, 2006.

[6]    A. Wiesner, M. Wiedau, J. Morbach, W. Marquardt, H. Temmen, and J. Redmer. Ontology-based integration and management of distributed design data. In WCCE8, Montreal, Canada, August 23-27, 2009.