(317a) Summary Results of Epri's Engineering and Economic Case Studies of Post Combustion Capture Retrofit Applied to Various North American Host Sites | AIChE

(317a) Summary Results of Epri's Engineering and Economic Case Studies of Post Combustion Capture Retrofit Applied to Various North American Host Sites


Summary Results of EPRI's Engineering and Economic
Case Studies of Post Combustion Capture Retrofit Applied to Various North American
Host Sites.


Desmond Dillon1, Robert Chu2 and Dr. Gerald Choi2


1The Electric Power Research
Institute, EPRI, Palo Alto, Ca, USA

2 Nexant Inc, San Francisco, Ca, USA




more than 300 GW of installed coal-fired plants in the US, accounting for about
half of all electricity being generated domestically, it is anticipated that the
existing coal fleet would need to be retrofitted for CO2 capture in
order to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions to acceptable levels. 
Amongst the available and developing capture technologies of pre-combustion,
oxy-combustion and post-combustion capture (PCC), the latter is viewed as a
viable and commercially available technology for existing plant retrofit

retrofitting PCC to an existing coal fired plant presents significant challenges
in itself. Key issues arise such as:

Limited space for new plant equipment

Limited heat available for process integration

Limitations of the existing steam turbine

Cooling water limitations

Replacement power considerations

Complicated pipe routings.

With an
objective to better understand these factors and quantify their effect, the
Electric Power Research Company (EPRI) of California USA, recently completed a
series of detailed economic and engineering studies examining the feasibility
of retrofitting post combustion capture (PCC) to existing pulverised coal (PC)
and/or circulating fluidized-bed (CFB) power plants, for five different North
American ?host? sites. 

effectively undertake this study EPRI assembled a Retrofit Team with
engineering consultants of Nexant Inc. and architect engineers of Bechtel Power Corporation of
Frederick, Maryland.  Nexant's expertise in process plant economic optimization
was complimented with Bechtels practical knowledge and experience in power
plant retrofit costing, design and build. 

sites selected for the study included:

Mission Groups 1500 MW Powerton Station, operated by Mid West Generation in
Pekin, Illinoi, USA

Power Agencies 950 MW Intermountain Generating Station in Delta, Utah USA

Nova Scotia
Powers 320MW (2 x 160MW units) Lingan Generating Station in Nova Scotia, Canada

Great River
Energys 1100MW Coal Creek Station in Underwood, North Dakota, USA

First Energys
176MW CFB Unit at Bayshore Generation Station in Oregon, Ohio, USA

Each of the host sites offered a unique combination of unit
sizes and ages, planned emissions control systems, fuel types, steam conditions,
boilers, turbines, and cooling systems.  Collectively, they represented a
critical sample of five different types of existing coal-fired plants within
the North American fleet. The data from these ?real world? sites provided a
broad insight into generalized cost and performance impact estimates for a
variety of power plant configurations.

Specifically the studies:

  • Assessed  the most practical CO2 capture efficiency configuration based on the existing site constraints
  • Determined the space required for the CO2 capture technology and the interfaces with the existing systems
  • Estimated performance and costs for the post combustion CO2 capture and compression plants
  • Assessed the features of each plant that materially affect the cost and feasibility of the retrofit

The paper will give a summary overview of the studies.
