(331d) Solid Sorbents As a Retrofit CO2 Capture Technology: 1 MW Pilot Update | AIChE

(331d) Solid Sorbents As a Retrofit CO2 Capture Technology: 1 MW Pilot Update


Krutka, H. - Presenter, ADA Environmental Solutions
Sjostrom, S., ADA Environmental Solutions
Starns, T., ADA Environmental Solutions
Dillon, M., ADA Environmental Solutions

ADA Environmental Solutions (ADA) is conducting a multi-year project to develop a post-combustion CO2 capture retrofit technology that utilizes solid sorbents in a temperature-swing adsorption process. This project is funded through the Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory's Innovations for Existing Plants (IEP) Program, EPRI, and several large power generation companies. The first step of this project was to identify and fully characterize a sorbent. The sorbent specific information was used as the basis to create a commercial-scale conceptual design. Multiple commercial designs were compared using techno-economic analysis. Once a commercial-scale design was selected it was reduced in scale to design a 1 MWe pilot. The key sorbent properties, processes considered, description of the commercial design, and the progress on the 1 MW pilot will be discussed. A majority of the project funds are being provided by the DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory's Innovations for Existing Plants (IEP) Program.
See more of this Session: CO2 Capture by Adsorption-Process and Storage

See more of this Group/Topical: Separations Division
