(332f) Developing a Graphical User Interface for Your Favorite Computational Science Project Using Eclipse Ide for Java Developers Package with Its Windowbuilder Plug-in Is Rewarding | AIChE

(332f) Developing a Graphical User Interface for Your Favorite Computational Science Project Using Eclipse Ide for Java Developers Package with Its Windowbuilder Plug-in Is Rewarding


Harten, P. F. - Presenter, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Developing a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for a computational science research project can be a very difficult task.  Writing software that opens up new windows to interact with users, prompts them to input specific parameters needed, utilizes those parameters for a particular computational run, and displays the results of a run is extremely different from writing software for the computational run itself.

Instead, this difficult task can be made much easier by using the freely downloaded and popular Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Java Developers package with its WindowBuilder plug-in.  Extensive help pages and tutorials are available in the downloaded Eclipse package and WindowBuilder plug-in to make the software writing process acceptable.  Once completed, your favorite computational science project with its new GUI can be made available to the general public at no charge.  With this additional user interaction, the total project can become one of the most rewarding efforts a computational scientist produces.