(3a) Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Sensing Platforms | AIChE

(3a) Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Sensing Platforms


Wujcik, E. K. - Presenter, University of Rhode Island


        In past decades, nanostructured materials have shown promise of revolutionizing a wide number of areas of needed development, including theranostic, electronic, and photonic materials. Applications of these fields include yet wider range of specialties, all of which can be incorporated into sensor material design. This shall be the focus of my research laboratory; fundamental material properties and applications of nanomaterials to sensor design. I believe that my background in inorganic nanomaterial synthesis (for photovoltaics and catalysis), cell membrane-nanomaterial interactions, materials & surface science, sensor design, and management have prepared me for a promising career heading a research laboratory. This research laboratory shall span a spectrum of expertise, all of which shall fall under the umbrella of sensor design.


      In my years of being a graduate student, I have assisted teaching a number of courses and labs, and this fall will be assisting in the development of a chemical & biomolecular engineering elective course. Being the recipient of the University of Akron's Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (Fall 2011), I understand that teaching graduate and undergraduate courses requires a certain level of dedication, which I plan to show through my outreach, elective development, and general teaching philosophy of “talking with” students instead of “talking at” students. I will apply this doctrine to both my course and research instructing, which I shall be presenting in further detail in this poster session.

Evan K. Wujcik, M.S., M.B.A. (LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/evankwujcik)

Advisor:Assistant Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Chelsea N. Monty

Be on the lookout for my other 2012 AIChE oral/poster presentations:

  1. Oral presentation at the 2012 AIChE National Conference (November) in Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A., Title: Diagnostic Sodium Ion Sensor for the Real-Time Screening and Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis
  2. Oral presentation at the 2012 AIChE National Conference (November) in Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A., Title: Membrane Preconcentration Technique for the Colorimetric Detection of Trihalomethanes in Water
  3. Poster presentation at the 2012 AIChE National Conference (November) in Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A., Title: Diagnostic Na+ Sensor for the Real-Time Screening and Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis
See more of this Session: Meet the Faculty Candidate Poster Session

See more of this Group/Topical: Education Division