(416b) Best Practices In Teaching Process Safety | AIChE

(416b) Best Practices In Teaching Process Safety


Van Brunt, V., University of South Carolina
Lalvani, S. B., Miami University

The topic for this year panel is process safety and how it is taught and promoted in the chemical engineering curriculum. The panel members will share their experiences in this area and answer questions from the audience. In addition, the results of a survey monkey conducted last December will be discussed. 87 departments responded, 17 of them teach process safety in a dedicated course and 57 in several courses.


Said AbuBakr, Professor and Chair, Western Michigan University

Email: sabubakr@wmich.edu

Dan Crowl, Professor, Michigan Technological University

Email;  crowl@mtu.edu

Tom Spicer, Professor and Head, University of Arkansas

Email: tos@uark.edu

Vincent Van Brunt, Professor, University of South Carolina

Email: vanbrunt@cec.sc.edu

Shashi Lalvani, Professor and Chair, University of Miami

Email address: lalvansb@muohio.edu


This talk is part of the invited session in the Department Heads Forum.

Description: A panel of department chairs will share their experiences on topics important to department chairs. This year's main topic is process safety in the chemical engineering curriculum. In addition, a panel representing Federal agencies will discuss funding opportunities, and informational and update  sessions will cover ABET, ASEE Chemical Engineering Division summer school, the annual report on the chemical engineering faculty academic salary survey and CACHE.

See more of this Session: Department Heads Forum (Invited Session)

See more of this Group/Topical: Education Division
