(44c) The R&D of Cellulosic Ethanol in China
AIChE Annual Meeting
2012 AIChE Annual Meeting
2nd Annual World Congress on Sustainable Engineering
Plenary Session: 2nd Annual World Congress On Sustainable Engineering
Monday, October 29, 2012 - 9:30am to 10:00am
As the biggest developing country, China needs fuel ethanol to meet its demands of its social and economy development. Basing on the “Mid-long term plan for renewable energy” established in 2007, the annual consumption of fuel ethanol will reach 10 million tons in 2020. Cellulosic ethanol, one of the most important second generation bio-fuel, gains more and more attentions for its substitution of the transportation liquid, lessen the air pollution by the vehicles and promote the rural area economy. In China, more than five demonstration projects have been set up since 2008. In this paper, the main cellulosic ethanol processes applied in China are illustrated, simultaneously the R&D of a green and high efficient process pretreated with hot liquid water is presented.
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See more of this Group/Topical: Topical B: 2nd Annual World Congress on Sustainable Engineering