(490c) Impact of Temperature On PEMFC Gas-Diffusion Layer Properties | AIChE

(490c) Impact of Temperature On PEMFC Gas-Diffusion Layer Properties


Kwong, A. - Presenter, University of California Berkeley
Gunterman, H., University of California Berkeley

Impact of Temperature on PEMFC Gas-Diffusion Layer Properties

Anthony Kwong1,2,
Haluna P. Gunterman1,2, Adam Z. Weber2

of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1462


2Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

1 Cyclotron Rd, MS 70-108B

Berkeley, CA 94720

The characterization of gas-diffusion
layer (GDL) properties has been critical in understanding two-phase flow of
water and gas within proton-exchange-membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). In recent years,
many studies of the capillary pressure versus saturation relationship for GDLs have
been performed at room temperature. However, PEMFC operating temperatures are typically
between 50C to 80C. Thus, the water-uptake studies to date may not be accurate representations
of the water transport phenomenon within the PEMFC during operation. In
addition, most other transport properties including permeability, thermal
conductivity, breakthrough pressure, and surface adhesion forces are also only
measured at room temperature.  In this talk, the impact of temperature (from
ambient up to 80C) on these properties and system response will be discussed.

The GDL samples used were SGL
24AA and SGL 24EA. These samples have a PTFE loading of 0% and 30% respectively
and a thickness of 0.19 mm. Water-uptake measurements were conducted to measure
the capillary pressure ? saturation curve in a setup and methodology developed
by Gostick et al.1 The experiments were conducted at 25C, 60C and 70C in an environmental chamber. Humidity
was also varied from 0% to 90% but showed no measurable effect; thus, humidity
was maintained at 50% for all temperature studies. Figure 1 and figure 2 show
the capillary pressure- saturation curves for SGL 24AA and SGL 24EA,
respectively. As temperature increases, the residual saturation also increases.
This is to be expected since the surface tension of water decreases as
temperature increases. Thus, at higher temperatures, water does not adhere to
itself as well as it does in lower temperatures. This allows for the
formation of more disconnected water pathways within the sample and hence,
the residual saturation increases as temperature increases. The contact
angle of water on the sample also varies as a function of temperature, and the
surface adhesion force at higher temperatures was measured using a
sliding-angle technique.2 At higher temperatures, the sample becomes
more wetting (or more hydrophilic). This is evident in our data by noticing the
shift towards the negative capillary pressure as temperature is increased. From
the Young- Laplace equation, the pressure difference resulting from the
temperature changes can be calculated. For our temperature range of 25C to 70C,
the corresponding pressure differences are -14 Pa and -12
Pa respectively.  Comparing the SGL 24AA and SGL 24EA, it is evident that the overall
net effect of temperature change (increase in residual saturation and increase
in wettability) is greater for SGL 24AA. This is explained by the presence of
more exposed carbon within the 24AA sample (no polytetrafluoroethylene
content) which oxidizes at higher temperatures, in agreement with ex-situ-aged
sample results.2

addition to adhesions force and capillary properties, the permeability and
thermal conductivity of the samples were measured at various temperatures. The
determined relationships were fit and used in a sample two-phase flow model to
predict the changes due to temperature on liquid versus vapor transport through
the GDL. 


This work was funded by the Assistant
Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Fuel Cell Technologies
Program, of the U. S. Department of Energy under contract number


1. Gostick JT, Ioannidis MA, Fowler MW, Pritzker MD., Electrochem.
, 10, 1520 (2008).

2. P. K. Das, A. Grippin, A. Kwong, A. Z. Weber, J. Electrochem.
159, B489 (2012).

Figure 1.  Capillary-pressure ? saturation curve of SGL 24AA. Temperature is increased from low to high.



Figure 2.  Capillary-pressure ? saturation curve of SGL 24EA. Temperature is increased from low to high.


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