(657e) Coupling of a Photocatalysis Reactor with a Photobioreactor | AIChE

(657e) Coupling of a Photocatalysis Reactor with a Photobioreactor


Anderson, G., South Dakota State University

Energy independency can be enhanced with the development of resources in North America such as natural gas. The development of these resources will promote employment in the United States. Energy independence and job creation in the United States are both national goals. Natural gas development in North America is dependent on combining two extraction technologies; slant drilling and hydraulic fracturing. The hydraulic fracturing process utilizes hydraulic fracturing fluid which is principally composes of water and sand, but does contain several compounds that are known pollutants and are difficult to degrade because they are long chain hydrocarbons. Photocatalyst in the presents of UV light can degrade these compounds consuming oxygen. The products of the degradation are carbon dioxide and short chain compounds that contain plant nutrients. Photosynthetic organisms grown in a PBR may use these nutrient and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and biomass. The goal will be to develop a photobiocatalyst reactor in which long chain molecules are degraded in the photocatalyst reactor with oxygen from the photobioreactor and the products of degradation from the photocatalyst reactor are used to produce biomass which can be used as a biofuel. Separation process will be used to remove salt from the fluid.
See more of this Session: Photo, Microwave and Ultrasound Catalysis

See more of this Group/Topical: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division
