Bioprocessing of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Biofuels and Value-Added Bioproducts I - Biological Approach | AIChE

Bioprocessing of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Biofuels and Value-Added Bioproducts I - Biological Approach


Christopher, L. P., South Dakota School of Mines & Technology


Faucher, S., Xerox Research Center

Lignocellulosic biomass is the earth’s most abundant and infinite renewable organic material. Bioprocessing of biomass has the potential to become a leading manufacturing technology for sustainable production of renewable energy, biochemicals and biomaterials - a national priority with significant economic, environmental and social benefits. The focus of this session is on technological advances achieved through thermochemical and biochemical conversion of biomass to biofuels and value-added bioproducts as the ultimate alternative to the petroleum-derived products and fuels of environmental concern. Examples include development of novel, cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly technologies for biomass-based production of bioethanol, biohydrogen, green and algal fuels, organic acids, biopolymers, etc.



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