Nanoscale Science and Engineering in Biomolecular Catalysis III | AIChE

Nanoscale Science and Engineering in Biomolecular Catalysis III

Nanoscale science and engineering have generated a great momentum of advances across many scientific areas including biomolecular catalysis in recent years. Nanoscale biocatalysts have demonstrated their greatly promising potentials in catalytic efficiency, lifetime, and applications that are far beyond the scope of traditional immobilized biocatalysts. The focus of this session is to reflect the latest advances in nanobiocatalysis and its potential applications, covering topics including, but are not limited to: (1)Protein structure-function relationships relevant to biocatalysis and molecular recognition; (2)Protein-nanoenvironment and interfacial interactions; (3)Biocatalyst development using nano-structured materials, bioinspired materials and processes, and protein engineering (4)Nano and micro-scale assemblies; and (5)Application of nanobiocatalysts for bioconversion, bioremediation, biosensors, biofuel cells, antifouling, proteomic analysis, etc.



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