(101g) Sanitation Shallow Water and Groundwater Contaminated With Petroleum Hydrocarbons | AIChE

(101g) Sanitation Shallow Water and Groundwater Contaminated With Petroleum Hydrocarbons


Cruz, Y. - Presenter, ESIQIE IPN
Castro, J. J., ESIQIE IPN

In this work a study was made of the biodegradation of water contaminated synthetically with diesel and oil , and a water sample taken from a actual-estate of the Valley of Mexico, having this problem; using a microbial consortium containing microorganisms of the genus Pseudomonas. The involvement of native microorganisms in the biodegradation, when implementing a bioremediation process must be carefully evaluated since their presence also affects the efficiency of biodegradation, reaching strengthen it in the best case.  It was carried out to characterize the actual water and preparing   synthetic solutions   with salts essential for bacterial growth. Adapting the bacterial consortium was performed by supplying the necessary essential salts and adjusting the optimum pH and temperature of development.  The biodegradation of hydrocarbon substrates was followed via COD, respirometry, CO2 absorption, UV-vis spectroscopy,IR/ATR infrared  and gas chromatography-FID.  Biodegradation profiles and bacterial growth curves are obtained.  Degradation efficiencies were obtained 90 to 98 percent, varying the nature of the hydrocarbon substrate used in a treatment period of 5 days.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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