(115a) Succeeding At Transferring Complex Technologies: Partnering Across Organizations
AIChE Annual Meeting
2013 AIChE Annual Meeting
Process Development Division
Challenges and Best Practices in Technology Commercialization
Monday, November 4, 2013 - 12:30pm to 12:55pm
Technology transfer, while rooted in the flow of materials and creation of documents, is also founded on the communication and relationships forged among organizations both internal and external to the enterprise. Manufacture of pharmaceutical dosage forms involves many different technical disciplines, all with a unique perspective and a contribution of the culture necessary to support routine use of the technology at the receiving site. The more complex the dosage form; the more complex, and risky, the transfer can be. As a regulated activity the requirements and documentation to meet health authority standards must also be considered. The presentation will discuss the various perspectives, their communication flow and how the overall transfer process can be orchestrated to a successful conclusion, as derived from the experiences in technology transfer of complex dosage forms both internally and externally.
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