(125e) Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Constitutive Parameters On the Fluidization Characteristics of Particle Flow in Liquid-Solid Fluidized Bed | AIChE

(125e) Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Constitutive Parameters On the Fluidization Characteristics of Particle Flow in Liquid-Solid Fluidized Bed


Liu, G. - Presenter, Colorado School of Mines
Lu, H., Harbin Institute of Technology
Wang, S., Harbin Institute of Technology

The constitutive parameters are analyzed with the numerical simulation approach based on Eulerian-Eulerian two-fluid formulation of the transport equations for mass, momentum and kinetic energy. Kinetic theory of granular flow which accounts for the viscous drag influence of the interstitial liquid phase is employed in combination with two-fluid model to simulate the unsteady liquid-solid two-phase flow. Two-dimensional liquid-solid fluidized bed simulations are performed to validate the simulation results with the experimental work of Zenit et al. We focus here on the effect of constitutive parameters on local unsteady feature as predicted by the numerical models. Effective elasticity of particles is taken into account by variation of the restitution coefficients of particle-particle and particle-wall collisions. Viscosity of particles is considered with different viscosity models of granular materials. Radial distribution function influence on liquid-solid flow is investigated by applying various radial distribution function formulations of particles at different volume fractions. Virtual mass force, lift force coefficient as well as different drag models are compared in liquid-solid fluidized bed. The results in present work give some valuable insight into the internal mechanism of liquid-solid two-phase flow characteristics in liquid fluidized beds.


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