(286c) Experimental and Computational Study of the Causes of the Fishhook Effect in a Mini-Hydrocyclone | AIChE

(286c) Experimental and Computational Study of the Causes of the Fishhook Effect in a Mini-Hydrocyclone


Liow, J. L. - Presenter, University of New South Wales Canberra
Zhu, G., University of New South Wales Canberra @ ADFA

Experimental and computational study
of the causes of the fishhook effect in a mini-hydrocyclone

Guofeng Zhu,
Jong-Leng Liow

School of Engineering
and Information Technology, UNSW Canberra @ADFA, Canberra, ACT, Australia 2600

ability of a hydrocyclone to separate finer material is governed by the cut
size scaling proportionally to the square root of the hydrocyclone diameter. A
mini-hydrocyclone of 5 mm was studied experimentally and through computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation for its ability to separate a feed of sub-100 mm particles. When the feed contains
particles smaller than 5-10 mm, the
separation efficiency of the finest particle to the underflow rises as the
particle size decreases. The rise in the separation efficiency value leads to a
shape similar to a fishhook, giving the term fishhook effect. The fishhook
effect leads to poor separation of the fine particles as well as contamination
of the underflow with fines. The exact cause and physics underlying the
fishhook effect has not been fully elucidated and a series of experiments were
conducted to investigate the effect of feed flow rate, particle size
distribution in the feed, and particle sphericity on the fishhook effect in a
mini-hydrocyclone where the 50% separation efficiency (d50) is
usually below 50 mm.

mini-hydrocyclone was manufactured by micro-end milling to give a surface
finish with a surface roughness less than 500 nm. A set of non-spherical beach
sand samples was prepared by ball milling and screening and a set of spherical
glass particles were obtained from Potter's Industries. Figure 1 shows the
volume distribution of the samples. Figure 2 shows the separation of the 60 mm non-spherical sample at varying inlet
velocities from 0.4 to 4.0 m/s, where the inlet Reynolds number (Rein)
varied from 600 to 6000, placing the flow in the transition to low turbulent
regime. As the inlet velocity is increased, the separation efficiency of the
larger particles (>5 mm) leads to a
lower d50 value indicating that a higher inlet velocity leads to a
finer cut size. For an inlet velocity of 0.4 m/s, there is a flat base in the
separation efficiency between 2 to 20 mm,
which is progressively narrowed as the inlet velocity increases. The fishhook
dip, the point at which the separation efficiency is the lowest, occurs around
3 mm and is independent of the inlet
velocity. However the fishhook peak, the maximum separation efficiency in the
small particle region past the fishhook dip, increases with increasing inlet

is proposed that the fishhook effect is due to the entrainment of fine
particles within the wake of the larger particles and this is found to be more
pronounced when there is a large fraction of large particles in the feed. The
fishhook effect was found to be small or negligible when tests were carried
with two feed streams, one with non-spherical particles with a d50<18
mm and one with spherical particles
with a d50<8 mm. It was
also found that as the concentration of large particles (>10 mm) decreased, the separation efficiency at
the fishhook peak decreased as shown in Figure 3.

work has shown that the fluid flow within the mini-hydrocyclone is unsteady but
not fully turbulent and up to 2 million grid cells were used with the ANSYS
Fluent package to obtain grid independence (Zhu et al. 2012). A particle
entrainment model was developed whereby the fine particles are entrained by
larger particles within a finite cell volume around the larger particles. The
fine particles trapped within this cell volume takes on the velocity of the
larger particle, while fine particle outside the cell volume have a velocity
based on its interaction with the fluid. A user added function was incorporated
into the ANSYS Fluent package to model the particle separation. Twenty three
logarithmic levels of particle sizes distributed over the 0.72 to 90 mm range with 8000 particles in each size
fraction were tracked. The results of a simulation is compared to the
experimental result with a 1.0 m/s inlet velocity for the 60 mm non-spherical sample and shows good
agreement in predicting the separation efficiency and shown in Figure 4. A
simulation without the particle entrainment model shows the monotonic
decreasing separation efficiency with decreasing particle size. The differences
between the experimental and simulated results in the larger particle size
range (>10 mm) can be attributed to
the non-sphericity of the particles. A spherical sample, labelled s2, with a d90<50
mm and minimal particles below 8 mm was tested at the same inlet velocity and
showed a separation curve in the larger particle size range closer to the
simulation curve, confirming that the non-sphericity of the particles play an
important role in the larger particle size range.


G.F., Liow, J.L. and Neely, A. 2012 Computational study of the flow
characteristics and separation efficiency in a mini-hydrocyclone. Chemical
Engineering Research and Design
, 90(12), 2135-2147.

Figure 1: Particle
size distribution of the particles used as feed into the mini-hydrocyclone

Figure 2:
Separation efficiency curves of the 60 mm
non-spherical sample for inlet velocities of 0.4, 1.0, 1.8 and 4.0 m/s. The
standard deviation of the particle size analysis is of the order of the symbol

Figure 3: Separation
efficiency curves for different particle feeds for an inlet velocity of 1 m/s.

Figure 4: Comparison of the model results
with the experimental results for an inlet velocity of 1.0 m/s and a 60 mm non-spherical feed sample. The spherical
sample has a size range that has been screened to remove fine particle below 8 mm.
