(316c) Characterization of Kla Using Definitive Screening Designs for Fermentation Development and Scale-Up | AIChE

(316c) Characterization of Kla Using Definitive Screening Designs for Fermentation Development and Scale-Up

Characterization of kLa using Definitive Screening Designs for Fermentation Development and Scale-Up

Fermentation development and optimization are typically performed at small scale to reduce their cost and time requirement.  High cell density aerobic fermentation is scaled-up often based on keeping volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa) constant. To facilitate a successful transfer of an optimized small-scale fermentation process to lab, pilot, and industrial scale, the kLa profiles for these fermentors should be determined. Although a number of correlations and predictive models for kLa are available, they do not have universal applicability.  

 The purpose of this study was to use a statistical Design of Experiments (DoE) approach to characterize kLa in 1.3L DASGIP, 10L Biostat B, 40L Biostat CDCU and 200L ABEC microbial fermentors, and hence to use this information for fermentation scale-up. Polarographic dissolved oxygen sensors were used to measure dissolved oxygen concentrations in the fermentors. kLa was determined in de-ionized water by using the dynamic re-oxygenation method. Definitive Screening Designs, a new efficient statistical Design of Experiment, were used to characterize kLa in the fermentors. Four experimental factors, temperature, agitation, air flow rate, and volume, were included in the experimental design as input parameters, and kLa was the output parameter. Definitive Screening Designs showed that agitation, air rate and volume were statistically significant for all the fermentors. Air and volume had strong positive correlations with kLa, and agitation had strong quadratic effects on kLa. Results showed that four fermentors have comparable kLa profiles. The correlations determined here will be used as an effective tool for fermentation development, scale up and tech transfer.