(336c) Fluctuation Solution Theory and Messages Heard From A Master: Reprise | AIChE

(336c) Fluctuation Solution Theory and Messages Heard From A Master: Reprise


O'Connell, J. P. - Presenter, University of Virginia

The objective of physical properties modeling is to judiciously use fundamentals, data, approximation, computation, and generalization to optimize descriptions of chemical systems, especially for process design.  John Prausnitz masterfully devised, demonstrated, applied, and taught - to generations of students and professionals - some extraordinarily successful strategies for comprehending and treating an incredible richness of important systems, substances, and conditions.  Further, he has shown their value in many spheres of intellectual work and human endeavor.

Some time ago, I presented a talk that shared my appreciation of John's influence on my 3 decades of research on extending and applying fluctuation solution theory, the molecular theory of solutions due to Kirkwood and Buff.  I phrased a set of "messages" that I could imagine hearing from him about how to proceed at moments of decision along the way.  In the last 15 years, our work has made further progress that was aided by more messages I heard from within me because of John's impact.

The talk will reprise the original theme and format, describe what we have achieved in recent years, and articulate additional messages.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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