(39d) Path to Improved Biopharmaceutical Drug Development Productivity | AIChE

(39d) Path to Improved Biopharmaceutical Drug Development Productivity


To be expanded shortly.

You have spoken several times in recent years about the single use revolution and this would be an interesting opportunity to expand on that for the community.  On the other hand if there is a more burning and general topic in the large molecule field that you would like to address instead, that is also an option.  

You have spoken several times in recent years about the single use revolution and this would be an interesting opportunity to expand on that for the community.  On the other hand if there is a more burning and general topic in the large molecule field that you would like to address instead, that is also an option.  

You have spoken several times in recent years about the single use revolution and this would be an interesting opportunity to expand on that for the community.  On the other hand if there is a more burning and general topic in the large molecule field that you would like to address instead, that is also an option.