(442c) Scaleable Gas-Phase Synthesis of Nanoparticles, Films and Devices | AIChE

(442c) Scaleable Gas-Phase Synthesis of Nanoparticles, Films and Devices


Recent breakthroughs in understanding combustion aerosol formation and growth [1] allow now synthesis of nanostructured mixed oxides, salts and even pure metals up to 5 kg/h, even at university labs. Nanothin, hermetic silica films are in-situ layered onto such (core-shell) particles facilitating their safe incorporation in solid & liquid matrices. So superior catalysts, biomaterials and even nutritional supplements are made with these nanomaterials. Direct deposition of flame-made semiconductors onto sensing electrodes results in portable sensors for detection of gases such as breath acetone, a diabetes tracer. That way also, multilayer polymer (e.g. PMMA) nanocomposite films can be made with conductive, phosphorescent and superparamagnetic properties.

1. B Buesser, SE Pratsinis, Design of Nanomaterial Synthesis by Aerosol Processes, Annual Rev. Chem. Biomol. Eng., 3, 103–27 (2012).



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