(519g) An Intensified Integrated Biodiesel Manufacturing Process for Conversion of Waste Oils and Alcohols Into Biodiesel to Power Campus Bus System | AIChE

(519g) An Intensified Integrated Biodiesel Manufacturing Process for Conversion of Waste Oils and Alcohols Into Biodiesel to Power Campus Bus System


Cerniga, Z. - Presenter, University of South Florida
Sunol, A. K., University of South Florida
Mcgranaghan, E., University of South Florida

A novel biodiesel manufacturing process is described. The continuous process manufactures biodiesel from waste oils and waste alcohols from local community and aims to power the University bus system. The process utilizes supercritical alcohols in transesterification reactions with residence times of few minutes. The autothermal reactor is heat integrated with the waste alcohol distillation process. The presentation reports the pilot process operation, process scale up, transporatation system powering implications and resulting life cycle analysis.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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