(537b) Solvent Recovery After Extraction By Energy Efficient Membrane Separation Process
AIChE Annual Meeting
2013 AIChE Annual Meeting
Separations Division
Developments in Extractive Separations: Apparatus Design and Oil Processes
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 3:35pm to 3:55pm
Solvent extraction is often used to extract valuable solutes. After solvent extraction, solvents are often recovered from solute-solvent mixtures by solvent evaporation. Solvent evaporation is an energy intensive process as it involves solvent phase change. A perfluoropolymer-based nanofiltration membrane has been recently developed for recovering solvents from solute-solvent mixtures, generated by solvent extraction process. This membrane separation process is highly energy efficient as it does not involve solvent phase change. Because of the perfluoropolymer chemistry and unique permeation properties, the perfluoropolymer-based nanofiltration membrane offers superior chemical stability, thermal stability, anti-fouling tendency and separation performance. Additional benefits of the membrane separation process include lower solvent emissions and higher process safety. Nanofiltration process based on the unique perfluoropolymers can also be valuable for recovering solvents from solute-solvent mixtures that are thermally sensitive. This presentation discusses unique features of the perfluoropolymer-based nanofiltration membranes, and solute-solvent systems that are suitable for processing by the membrane separation process.
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