(549i) Modeling of Diffusion in Stratified Epithelia Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
AIChE Annual Meeting
2013 AIChE Annual Meeting
Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals
Interfacial Transport Phenomena
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 5:15pm to 5:30pm
Detailed microscopic diffusion models of solute transport through stratified epithelia serve as valuable tools to understand solute flux pathways, make reasonable predictions of transport rates and tissue concentrations, and quantify transport mechanisms underlying biological function. Thus, for instance, brick-and-mortar models of the stratum (SC, barrier) layer of skin1 can provide the quantitative basis to predict permeation of topically applied and transdermally delivered drugs, and assess risks associated with chemical exposures. Such models have evolved to incorporate two-dimensional cross-sectional geometries of cells and surrounding lipid membranes based on actual bitmapped microscope images,2 and idealized three-dimensional polygonal geometries,3-7 which are usually approached by finite element and finite volume methods.2-7 Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is a general, mesh-free method8-10 for solving partial differential equations in more intricate and realistic domain geometries that can overtax these grid-based numerical techniques. As yet, it has seen essentially no application to biological diffusion problems. This talk develops the extensions of SPH needed to realistically address such problems, and applies it to derive significant mechanistic conclusions from test problems describing dermal absorption.
Traditional SPH is based upon grid-free, inter-node interpolation of the solute concentration field using a suitable window or kernel function. We use a non-interpolant variant of SPHthat corresponds to tracking mesoscale pseudo-particles of solute that interact via the kernels.11-13 Kernel sums over boundary particles represent an effective “chemical potential” of the walls and allow efficient treatment of arbitrary domain shapes.14-16 For the resultant non-interpolant boundary-sum (NIBS) SPH method, a chaining mesh reduces all sums to O(N) operations. Three phenomena prevalent in biological systems define the extensions needed for biological applications of SPH, namely: (i) partitioning equilibria at the interfaces between aqueous and lipid phases; (ii) strong diffusional anisotropy of fluid-phase phospholipid-cholesterol bilayers in viable cell layers, and ordered gel-phase arrays of ceramides, cholesterol and long-chain fatty acids in keratinized epithelia; and (iii) binding to albumin and other binding/transporter proteins in both cytoplasm and extracellular fluid of viable cells, as well as keratin in cornified cells. We show in detail how these three phenomena can be incorporated into the NIBS-SPH method, including kinetic rates of exchange between mobile and bound populations of particles in the case of binding.
Solute concentration profiles, effective permeability coefficients for perpendicular penetration, and effective lateral diffusion coefficients quantifying in-plane solute mobility are calculated for realistic microscopic representations of sections of (a) human stratum corneum, and (b) underlying viable epidermis, based on realistic physicochemical parameterizations for the model compounds water, hydrocortisone and glucose. It is shown that the diffusional anisotropy of intercellular lipid phases has a dramatically affect on concentration profiles and fluxes, strongly controverting numerical results based on the assumption of an isotropic lipid phase that has commonly been made to date.2-7
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6. Naegel A, Heisig M, Wittum G 2009. A comparison of two- and three-dimensional models for the simulation of the permeability of human stratum corneum. Eur J Pharm Biopharm 72:332-338.
7. Muha I, Naegel A, Stichel S, Grillo A, Heisig M, Wittum G 2011. Effective diffusivity in membranes with tetrakaidekahedral cells and implications for the permeability of human stratum corneum. J Membr Sci 368:18-25.
8. Gingold RA, Monaghan JJ 1977. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics – theory and application to nonspherical stars. Monthly Notices R Astron Soc 181:375-389.
9. Lucy LB 1977. Numerical approach to testing of fission hypothesis. Astron J 82:1013-1024.
10. Monaghan JJ 2005. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Reports Progr Phys 68:1703-1759.
11. Chaubal CV, Leal LG 1999. Effects of flexibility on liquid crystalline polymer behavior: The nematic
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12. Chaubal CV, Leal LG 1999. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics techniques for the solution of kinetic theory problems Part 2. The effect of flow perturbations on the simple shear behavior of LCPs. J Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech 82:25-55.
13. Chaubal CV, Srinivasan A, Eğecioğlu Ö, Leal LG 1997. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics techniques for the solution of kinetic theory problems.1. Method. J Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech 70:125-154.
14. Nitsche LC, Zhang W 2002. Atomistic SPH and a link between diffusion and interfacial tension. AIChE J 48:201-211.
15. Nitsche LC, Zhang WD, Wedgewood LE 2006. Asymptotic basis of the L closure for finitely extensible dumbbells in suddenly started uniaxial extension. J Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech 133:14-27.
16. Nitsche LC 2006. Accurate asymptotic formulas for the transient PDF of a FENE dumbbell in suddenly started uniaxial extension followed by relaxation. J Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech 135:109-116.