(559i) Chemoresistive Responses of Functionalized SWNTs | AIChE

(559i) Chemoresistive Responses of Functionalized SWNTs


Guiseppi-Elie, A. - Presenter, Clemson University
Hines, D., The City College of New York
Akins, D. L., The City College of New York

There is need for advanced synthetic molecular chemoreceptors in the design and development of all electronic Natural Olfactory Sensor Emulators® (NOSEs)[1]. Carbon nanotubes with their semiconducting properties and relative ease of non-covalent and covalent functionalization are well suited for chemoreceptor use in e-Noses[2]. A series of functionalized SWNTs rationalized on the basis of covalent chemical modification to impart electron-donating or electron-withdrawing functionalities have been synthesized and characterized[3]. These derivatized-nanotube-based materials are designed to serve as chemoreceptors that can facilitate the development of highly selective and sensitive chemical and biological sensor arrays through an “electronic nose” approach which mimics the mammalian olfactory system[4]. Functionalized SWNTs (f-SWNTs) were dispersed in dimethyl formamide (DMF) and cast onto the interdigit space of microlithographically fabricated, pre-cleaned interdigitated microsensor electrodes (IME 1025-M-Pt). Devices were 10 mm line and space with 25 fingers of Pt(100nm)/TiW(20nm) patterned on borosilicate glass. Devices were solvent cleaned and chemically modified with octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS), cathodically cleaned (20 cycles, 100 mV/s, PBS 7.2), rinsed with isopropyl alcohol and dried in flowing argon. The resulting devices (receptors) were characterized by two–electrode impedance spectroscopy (20 mV p-t-p; 10-1 – 106 Hz; RT) and equivalent circuit modeling in various gases/vapors[5]. We compare the EIS profiles when the same chemoresistive f-SWNT layer was cast onto gold vs. platinum devices. We compare the EIS profiles when the same chemoresistive f-SWNT layer was cast onto IME devices that were unmodified or chemically modified with octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS). The chemo-resistive responses to these same gases/vapors were determined under DC conditions by continuous monitoring following flow injection of gas/vapor.

Keywords: chemoresistors, nanotubes, olfaction, impedance


1.            Tchoupo, G.N. and A. Guiseppi-Elie, On pattern recognition dependency of desorption heat, activation energy, and temperature of polymer-based VOC sensors for the electronic NOSE. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2005. 110(1): p. 81-88.

2.            Tasis, D., et al., Soluble Carbon Nanotubes. Chemistry – A European Journal, 2003. 9(17): p. 4000-4008.

3.            Yu, C., et al., Modulating Electronic Transport Properties of Carbon Nanotubes To Improve the Thermoelectric Power Factor via Nanoparticle Decoration. ACS Nano, 2011. 5(2): p. 1297-1303.

4.            Hirsch, A. and O. Vostrowsky, Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes, in Functional molecular nanostructures, A.D. Schlüter, Editor 2005, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. p. 193-237.

5.            Yang, L., A. Guiseppi-Wilson, and A. Guiseppi-Elie, Design considerations in the use of interdigitated microsensor electrode arrays (IMEs) for impedimetric characterization of biomimetic hydrogels. Biomedical Microdevices, 2011. 13(2): p. 279-289.



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