(576c) Capec Consortium: Effective Academic-Industrial Interactions Strengthened By Surveys and Analyses of Gaps in Properties Modeling | AIChE

(576c) Capec Consortium: Effective Academic-Industrial Interactions Strengthened By Surveys and Analyses of Gaps in Properties Modeling


O'Connell, J. P. - Presenter, University of Virginia
Gani, R., Technical University of Denmark

J.P. O’Connell and R.A. Gani : The CAPEC Consortium has operated for many years. Starting with UNIFAC correlations for activity coefficients, the research has branched out to many other properties like critical properties, heats of formation, boiling points, heats of vaporization, and many others. One key to CAPEC's success has been the establishment of an industrial advisory committee at an early stage. This committee meets annually to provide guidance about which properties are of top priority for the coming year(s). This process will be reviewed along with the resulting compilation of properties of interest and its evolution with time. One key to CAPEC's success has been the establishment of an industrial advisory committee at an early stage. This committee meets annually to provide guidance about which properties are of top priority for the coming year(s). This process will be reviewed along with the resulting compilation of properties of interest and its evolution with time.


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