(582x) Conversion of Racemic Profens to (S)-Profens | AIChE

(582x) Conversion of Racemic Profens to (S)-Profens


Mortazavi, S. - Presenter, University of Texas at El Paso

Conversion of Racemic
Profens to (S)-Profens

Mortazavi, Chemistry Doctoral Student


Some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as
profens (ibuprofen, naproxen, fenoprofen, ketoprofen, or flurbiprofen) can
exist and are sold worldwide as a mixture of mirror image compounds called
enantiomers (a racemic mixture) where one mirror image has the desired pain,
fever, and inflammation reducing effects (referred to as (S)-enantiomer)
and the other undesired mirror image (referred to as (R)-enantiomer)
does not or may even have harmful side effects.  Thus the efficacy of profen
drugs can be improved and side effects reduced by isolating and administering
only the desired (S)-profen as opposed to consuming its racemic mixture,
(R) and (S)-profens.  In addition, the manufacture of pure single
enantiomer pharmaceuticals is a multibillion dollar a year industry and is now
required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Whereas previous methods wasted the undesired profen enantiomer, (R)-profens,
we propose to convert several examples to the desired mirror image drug, (S)-profens,
using a combination of relatively inexpensive chemical and enzymatic methods. 

The Candida rugosa lipase catalyzed Dynamic Kinetic
Resolution of racemic ibuprofen methyl ester was optimized to produce (S)-ibuprofen
in 3 days.  The best concentration of various buffers for these reactions was
found to be 0.5 M at optimal pH.  The commercial lipase mixture was found to be
acidic.  Dimethylformamide was determined to be a better co-solvent to maintain the reaction pH than
dimethylsulfoxide, with evidence of the latter functioning as an oxidizing
agent.  Lower concentrations of ibuprofen methyl ester and higher stirring
rates both led to faster conversions.  The minimal amount of lipase needed was
determined to be 20 mg/ml buffer.  Reaction of (R)-ibuprofen methyl
ester under the optimized conditions excluding the lipase led to no
racemization indicating that conversion of (R)-ibuprofen methyl ester to
(S)-ibuprofen is not catalyzed by the base.