(583ac) The Unique Roles of Oxygen Defects and Metal Nanoparticles On the In2O3 Surface Played in Methanol Synthesis From CO2 Hydrogenation: A DFT Study | AIChE

(583ac) The Unique Roles of Oxygen Defects and Metal Nanoparticles On the In2O3 Surface Played in Methanol Synthesis From CO2 Hydrogenation: A DFT Study


Ye, J. - Presenter, University of Minnesota
Liu, C., Advanced Nanotechnology Center
Mei, D., Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Ge, Q., Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Catalytic conversion of CO2 to methanol via hydrogenation has attracted enormous interest for its central role in CO2 utilization using heterogeneous catalysts.1-3 Methanol can be used not only as the starting feedstock for many other useful chemicals, but also as an alternative source in the production of liquid fuels. Currently, methanol is industrially synthesized from syngas (CO2/CO/H2) at 493-573K and 5-10 MPa using a Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst.4 Previously experimental results suggested that the high CO2 selectivity and strong resistance of the oxygen defective In2O3 catalyst to RWGS5,6 made the In2O3 an attractive candidate for methanol synthesis from CO2 hydrogenation. Our previous DFT studies on CO2 adsorption and the initial step of CO2 hydrogenation on the perfect In2O3(110) surface indicated the high CO2 selectivity for methanol synthesis on In2O3 based catalyts.7 Herein, the complete pathways for methanol synthesis from CO2 hydrogenation on both oxygen defective In2O3 surface and Pd4 cluster supported In2O3 catalyst were studied. This work unveiled the unique roles of surface defects and metal nanoparticles in CO2 hydrogenation profoundly which is meaningful for catalyst design in industry.

(1) Centi, G.; Perathoner, S. Catalysis Today, 2009, 148, 191.

(2) Song, C. S. Catalysis Today, 2006, 115, 2.

(3) Wang, W.; Wang, S. P.; Ma, X. B.; Gong, J. L. Chemical Society Reviews, 2011, 40, 3703.

(4) Waugh, K. C. Catalysis Today, 1992, 15, 51.

(5) Chen, M. A.; Xu, J.; Cao, Y.; He, H. Y.; Fan, K. N.; Zhuang, J. H. Journal of Catalysis, 2010, 272, 101.

(6) Chen, M.; Xu, J.; Liu, Y. M.; Cao, Y.; He, H. Y.; Zhuang, J. H. Applied Catalysis A: Genernal. 2010, 377, 35.

(7) Ye, J.; Liu, C.; Ge, Q. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, 7817.


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