(587ag) Concurrent Production of Biodiesel and Bioethanol From Calophyllum Inophyllum | AIChE

(587ag) Concurrent Production of Biodiesel and Bioethanol From Calophyllum Inophyllum


Chen, K. Y. - Presenter, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
Cheng, Y. S., 123 University Rd. Section 3National Yunlin University of Science and Technology

Calophyllum inophyllum has been proposed to be a potential feedstock for biodiesel production. Nevertheless, despite the high oil content in the kernel, there are hulls and press cakes left over from oil extraction which comprise more than 70% of original fruit biomass. In order to maximum the energy production from C. inophyllum, the processes including the alkali pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis and bioethanol fermentation of the finely ground hulls and press cakes were developed. The results showed that the NaOH pretreatment at high solid content effectively removed the lignin content from the hulls and press cakes of C. inophyllum and increase the enzymatic digestibility. The enzymatic hydrolysate was then fermented by Zymomonas mobilis BCRC 10808 to bioethanol. Moreover, the solvent extracted lipid from the kernel of C. inophyllum was converted into Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) by acid-catalytic transesterification. The overall energy generation was calculated from the yield of FAME and bioethanol obtained from best tested condition.