(636f) Thrombogenesis & Intra-Clot Molecular Transport: Modeling Vs Reality | AIChE

(636f) Thrombogenesis & Intra-Clot Molecular Transport: Modeling Vs Reality


Voronov, R. S. - Presenter, University of Pennsylvania
Welsh, J., University of Pennsylvania
Stalker, T. J., University of Pennsylvania
Brass, L. F., University of Pennsylvania
Diamond, S. L., University of Pennsylvania

The assembly of platelet deposits and fibrin polymerization results in over one million heart attacks and strokes each year in the US.  Conversely, deficiencies in these processes result in bleeding risks that confront surgeons on a regular basis.  Therefore, a unified model explaining these phenomena would provide a greater understanding of thromboembolism and coagulopathy, as well as allow for better risk assessment and enhanced therapeutics.  Unfortunately, no such model exists to this day.  This talk will give an overview of the disconnect that exists between the current thrombogenesis modeling methods and experimental observations. Additionally, it will summarize the results of a three year study of thrombus formation hemodynamics and intra-thrombic molecular transport.  The investigation utilized fluorescently labeled intravital confocal microscopy coupled with laser injury experiments in mice, as well as Lattice Boltzmann Method fluid dynamics / Lagrangian Scalar Transport image-based simulations.  The reported findings are expected to contribute to the development of future thrombogenesis and drug delivery simulation methods.