(691d) Enzyme-Nanomaterial Interaction Studies With Application in in Situ Decontaminant Production | AIChE

(691d) Enzyme-Nanomaterial Interaction Studies With Application in in Situ Decontaminant Production


Campbell, A. S. - Presenter, West Virginia University
Dong, C., West Virginia University
Wu, N., West Virginia University
Dordick, J., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Dinu, C. Z., West Virginia University


Enzyme-Nanomaterial Interaction Studies with Application in in situ Decontaminant Production


Alan S. Campbell, Chenbo Dong, Fanke Meng, Nianqiang Wu, Jonathan S. Dordick, Cerasela Zoica Dinu

      Enzymes are currently used in industrial catalysis, biological fuel cell production and biosensing. Their high selectivity, specificity and biocompatibility relative to their chemical counterparts recently made enzymes the “green” constituents of coatings with antifouling and decontamination properties. However, before such applications are implemented in large-scale settings, the operational stability and retention of enzymes activities in such coatings needs to be addressed. Herein, an in depth study of the interactions between enzymes and nanomaterials is presented. This systematic study is accomplished using enzymes with varying properties (i.e. size and surface chemistry) and nanosupports with differing characteristics (i.e. surface curvature, charge and aspect-ratio), as well as multiple immobilization techniques (i.e. physical, covalent, or covalent through a linker to bring the enzyme away from the nanosupport). The research will highlight the importance of rational design of the nanomaterial-biological molecule hybrids and the need for control of the bio-nano-interface for achieving most advantageous immobilization conditions that allow high retention of the enzyme structure and functionality. The knowledge gained from this study can further be used to optimize enzyme-nanomaterial interactions in order to maintain finest levels of enzyme activity while enhancing stability and retention upon immobilization. This research can be used for creating the next generation of self-sustainable decontamination coatings and biosensors with improved specificity and efficiency.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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