(812a) Transforming Hype Into Reality in Next Generation of Alternative Fuels | AIChE

(812a) Transforming Hype Into Reality in Next Generation of Alternative Fuels

The alternative fuels sector continues to steadily progress, revealing some lucrative home-runs as well as ill-fated disappointments on a global basis. Shale gas disrupted the North American energy landscape, and its ripples were felt worldwide. But with the fuels market on the order of trillions of dollars, opportunities for an array of technological solutions exist. The leading innovators are targeting cheaper feedstock - whether waste, ag residue, or sludge - and aiming for higher performing fuels. Leaders, like Beta Renewables, have secured hundreds of millions in project financing to build their first commercial plants, while laggards struggle between a rock and a hard place: government support is unpredictable in the post-Range Fuels world, and private investment dollars are drying up after the post-IPO pullbacks of companies like Amyris and Gevo. Lux Research regularly analyzes hundreds of companies developing processes ranging from fermentatation, pyrolysis, and cellulose pretreatment and this presentation will connect the leading technologies to macro market trends government growth globally in next generation fuels.



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